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Equity Fund (TKF)

Tacirler Asset Management Experience!

Fund Strategy and Performance

Fund Strategy and Performance

TKF is suitable for long-term investors who are familiar with the conditions of the stocks markets, who can take risks, looking for a fund that has the potential to offer high dividend yield, high returns in the long term and better performance than BIST 100. Minimum 80% of the fund portfolio consists of the stocks permanently listed on BIST, and strategic asset allocation is actively executed within the fund in order to minimize systematic risks. The recommended investment period for investors is 12 months.

Mutual Fund Risk Profile

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Click for the Fund’s Return Detail.Click here for Monthly Fund Product Card.

Prospectuses, Forms and Information

Prospectuses, Forms and Information

Fund Prospectuses

Fund Prospectus Revisions

Fund Reports

Investor Information Form

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