Investment Decision Making Process
Tacirler Asset Management Experience!

The investment team of Tacirler Asset Management having an average of 20 year experience, discusses domestic and international developments and the interactions for the expectations related to these developments during the periodic investment committee meetings, makes decisions together and applies these decisions to the mutual funds and private portfolios managed by it. The compliance of these decisions and practices is controlled by the compliance department, and necessary corrections are made in the portfolios.
Top-Down Approach
Global Macro View
- Economic developments
- Growth, Inflation
- Trade Volume, Unemployment
- Stock Exchanges, Exchange Rates, Interest Rates
Bottom-Up Approach
Domestic Market View
- Company, Balance Sheet
- Profit and Loss
- Sector, Growth, Inflation
- National and Global Economic Developments
Treasury Bills/Government Bonds, Corporate Bonds and Bills, FX, Derivative and Alternative Products
- Investments in the Treasury Bills/Government Bonds
- Investment ideas are formed after top-down macroeconomic analysis of global and local markets to invest in corporate bonds and bills
- Interest rate differences
- Opportunities in TRY and other currencies
- Futures and Options Market trades in index, stocks, foreign exchange and commodities for arbitrage, hedging and performance purposes
- Forwards, swaps, options, structured products