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Sirius Hedge Fund (TCS)

Tacirler Asset Management Experience!

Fund Strategy and Performance

Fund Strategy and Performance

Within the framework of the investment strategy of the fund, it is aimed to provide capital gains and to increase the portfolio value. The fund continuously invests minimum 51% and maximum 80% of its portfolio value in partnership interests traded on BIST. Option contracts executed through foreign exchange, precious metals, interest, financial indicators and capital market instruments as well as Eurobonds, forwards, structured investment instruments, swaps, financial forward transactions and financial futures and futures-based option transactions can be included in the fund portfolio for hedging and/or investment purposes.

Click for the Fund’s Return Detail.Click here for Monthly Fund Product Card.

Prospectuses, Forms and Information

Prospectuses, Forms and Information

Fund Prospectuses

Fund Prospectus Revisions

Internal Regulations

Fund Reports

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