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Privacy Policy

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By using the website operated by Tacirler Asset Management, you agree with the "Use and Privacy Policy" exclusive to these websites. Tacirler Asset Management explicitly declares that it reserves its right to make changes, additions or deletions to the programs and texts and relevant policies provided on these websites at any time in line with its own demands and decisions.

If you agree with all the terms and conditions described herein, your continued use of our websites will be deemed as you agree with any possible changes mentioned above.

For these reasons, we recommend that you regularly check our "Use and Privacy Policy" text and any possible changes, additions or deletions on our websites.

Use and Privacy Policy

Tacirler Asset Management (hereinafter referred to as "Tacirler Asset Management"), implements the following fundamental rules to protect the confidentiality of the information of its investors as part of the services that it provides through its corporate website www.tacirlerportfoy.com.tr with its own technological means to enable investors to perform their investment transactions and obtain information for this purpose based on customer satisfaction and safety in line with ethical service philosophy.

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