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Hedge Funds

Meet our risk and return-based hedge funds that we provide to the Qualified Investors of Tacirler Asset Management and Tacirler Investment. kategori-resmi

Denge Katılım Hedge Fund (DNK)

Tacirler Portfolio Balanced Participation Hedge Fund "The Future of Participation Finance Begins Today!" Turkey's First Balanced Participation Fund by Tacirler Asset Management As one of Turkey’s largest asset management companies, Tacirler Portfolio Asset Management introduces an innovative investment experience aligned with the principles and standards of...
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Tacirler Maraton Hedge Fund (TMS)

The Marathon Hedge Fund, with its structure oriented towards Borsa Istanbul, will be managed with the flexibility to invest in all asset classes both domestically and internationally. 51% of the portfolio will be allocated to BIST, while the remaining 49% will primarily target overseas equities and fixed-income instruments, with a focus on OECD countries, as well as domestic fixed-income instruments, aiming for...
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Taç Hedge Fund (TCH)

TCH is a hedge fund and it can only be offered to qualified investors who meet the criteria set by the Capital Markets Board...
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Kartopu Hedge Fund (TTL)

To achieve capital gains and to increase portfolio value within the framework of the investment strategy of the fund, it aims to invest mainly in domestic and foreign partnership interests that have a growth potential above the general economy conditions and that are also cheaper according to the fundamental analysis methods. In the management of the fund, it is aimed to provide high returns in TRY basis in the...
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Nar Hedge Fund (TNS)

The investment strategy of the fund is to invest in domestic and international partnership interests that have a growth potential above the general economy conditions and that are also considered to be cheaper according to the fundamental analysis methods in order to achieve capital gains. In the management of the fund, it is aimed to provide high returns in TRY basis in the medium and long term, and a management...
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Foregn Exchange Hedge Fund (TCC)

TCC aims to provide long-term absolute returns under all positive or negative market conditions by actively allocating the assets in many different asset classes, including stocks, interest and commodities on global basis. Thanks to the tactical asset allocation approach, the fund tries to protect the assets of investors not only in emerging markets but also in negative market conditions and to provide capital...
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Vega Hedge (TRY) Fund (TTV)

The fund aims to offer investors, who prefer term deposits, a higher return than deposits, with lower volatility. Statistical arbitration tries to maximize its return through investments in risky strategies while creating returns with minimum risks. The strategies in different frequencies are diversified with algorithms, market risk is continuously managed, risks are continuously controlled with the strategies...
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Sirius Hedge Fund (TCS)

Within the framework of the investment strategy of the fund, it is aimed to provide capital gains and to increase the portfolio value. The fund continuously invests minimum 51% and maximum 80% of its portfolio value in partnership interests traded on BIST. Option contracts executed through foreign exchange, precious metals, interest, financial indicators and capital market instruments as well as Eurobonds,...
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